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Frequently Asked Questions:
What kind of accessibility does the Krannert Center have?
Krannert Center theaters are equipped with wheelchair and easy-access seating and infrared hearing amplification systems. Large-print programs, Braille programs, and American Sign Language interpreters are available with three weeks' advance notice. Lobby-level washroom facilities are fully accessible, as is the Ticket Office counter. For more information on services, contact the Patron Services Director at: (217) 333-9716
(TTY: (217) 333-6280) or
Where are the bathrooms?
Bathrooms are located in the Foellinger Great Hall Foyer, the Colwell Playhouse Foyer, the east entrances on Level 5, and in each elevator lobby on Level 1 and Level 3.
Can I bring a camera?
The use of cell phones, cameras, and recording devices during the performances is strictly prohibited. Please turn off all cell phones and watch alarms before entering the theater. Check cameras, recording devices, and pagers at the Patron Services desk located near the Ticket Office in the Lobby.
How do I leave a comment for the Krannert Center?
Krannert Center welcomes your comments and questions. Comment cards are available at the Ticket Office counter at all times. Address email correspondence to
What if I start coughing during the concert?
Ask an usher for a complimentary cough drop courtesy of St. Joseph Apothecary.
Where can I eat before and after the concert?
You can find a variety of choices here.
What happens if I arrive late?
As a courtesy to the performers and audience members, latecomers will be seated in theaters only at times selected in advance by Sinfonia administration.
Where is the Lost & Found?
If you lose an item or want to turn in an item you have found, please check with the Ticket Office.
What if the music is too loud?
You can ask an usher for disposable, foam earplugs if you find that the music is too loud for your comfort.
What if I have a medical emergency?
If you or a companion need medical assistance, contact an usher, or another staff member.
Where do I park?
Find detailed parking information here.
What should I wear?
Find suggestions for dress here.
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